Click.... inhale...pufffff..... Click.... inhale...pufffff.....
Reviewed by Cigarette Smoking Man A
How do I start reviewing this? The infamous film that got so many within the gore porn industry talking? This movie is what separates the true gore fan from the wannabes. This movie is pure gore porn in its truest form, it doesn't shy away from restrictions nor prohibitions. Every kill or rape scene is thrown in your face with ample blood splash everywhere. At one point, I don't even remember seeing the movie in color, it's just blood everywhere. And thats not even the hardest part to stomach. The ONLY highlight of the movie is that every women in the movie is hot as fuck and the men all look like middle-age italian GQ models, the only ugly fucker is the main actor himself. The movie is highly polished, with high production values, one wonders what were they thinking when producing this movie. We have the screener copy, so everything is uncensored.
It starts with a happily married, has-been porn star, Milos, who relish in watching his own videos from his heydays, who wanted that one last hit to support his family financially. So when an ex-colleague happens to come by with a proposal, at first hesitant, but then knowing that his have mouths to feed, agreed on acting in his last porn flick with his wife's consent. But the catch is, he will be kept in the dark on how the movie goes until the day he starts work. Its supposed to be a so-called art film funded by this wealthy pornographer, Vukmir. On the first day of shooting, he was appalled at why they were using a child as a spectator for his sex scene. At first he was apprehensive, but soon forced to continue while the little girl watched on. It was after when the director/pornographer shows his "vision" (you will have to watch the movie to find out his vision) to Milos that he refuses to partake in any of his projects, including the one he's in now. Soon, Milos was approached by the Director's assistant, a seductive woman in a nurse uniform who managed to drugged him. He woke up 3 days later, not remembering what had happened. From there we are guided from what he did before to the current situation he is now. I will stop here because I will be spoiling the entire show for you. All I can say is the rest of the movie involves corpse-fucking, decapitation, sodomy and many more gruesome acts that I will not describe. There's a twist at the end which I will not revealed but given the whole content of the movie to be so gruesome, I don't think it will make any difference at that time.

We won't rate this movie as we believe there will be people who love it for the gore or some who hated this movie because its a sick excuse for torture porn. There's no middle ground to this.
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