Click, Light… Inhale and Pufffff…
Reviewed by Cigarette Smoking Man B
Many horror fans would agree that The Grudge movies could be the best flick to share with your non horror fan girlfriend on a Saturday night. It has the right ingredients to make her want to hold you tight and playas know that gore doesn’t make her wet, but if it gets you wet; get a shrink.
The remake of Japanese original Ju-On, maybe Sarah Michelle Geller’s last stand in horror as the later flicks with her is not so worth mentioning. The Grudge has everything any horror fan wants, a cursed or haunted house, many patterned jump scenes, sudden appearances and disappearances, and rejected ‘Blue Men Group’ vengeful ghosts.
It begins with American foreign exchange student Karen Davis (Sarah Michelle Gellar) in Tokyo, Japan who serves as caretaker-home nurse for a mute and bedridden, elderly and senile American named Emma Williams (Grace Zabriskie) in her scary house where she encounters the evil entity: Kayako for the first time. And then the story goes to several other characters interlinking to this curse the house. In a frightening scene, Karen is showering and shampooing her hair - and she feels fingers grabbing on the back of her head - she jerks around to see what's there; also, as Karen passes by a mirror, the reflection Kayako passing by is also seen; in the scene of daughter of old dead woman, Susan Williams (KaDee Strickland) riding in an elevator, glimpses of Toshio, Kayako’s dead son passing by on each floor; and in the terrifying surveillance "security camera" stalking sequence of Susan, it culminates in her finding the blue-tinted, Kayako (with a wide mouth and eyes, and a defending feral cat-like scream) under the bed sheets in the seeming safety of her bedroom; A lot happens here and there, but another hair raiser would be Kayako crawling down the stairs and kills Karen's boyfriend and fellow student Doug (Jason Behr). Outstanding performances by Toshio and his cat.

The movie ends with SMG trying to get the house burnt to the ground and The Grudge 2 picks up with Karen Davis’s sister Audrey (Amber Tamblyn) coming to Japan to check up on Karen which is hospitalized and diagnosed as insane. Sarah Michelle Geller only has cameo in the sequel but defiantly has the best jump scare of the trilogy with the running away from Kayako to the hospital rooftop and swan dive to her demise scene. An upgrade from the first film would be applying CG on the jump scenes.
This movie is a sure classic and will also be referred for future generation horror heads. So, head on over and get a Blue Ray HD copy of The Grudge and it’s sequels for a good ole’ time with your girl. So till my next words, light one for us. Download here

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